How many Gigajoules is 6 Watt-seconds


6 Watt-seconds is equal to 6.000000000000001e-9 Gigajoules.

In the following sections, there is a step by step calculation of the Energy unit conversion from given number of watt-seconds to gigajoules in detail, with formula and substitution.

Also, the Watt-seconds to Gigajoules Converter is loaded with the given input value, in case you would like to use the converter for other values.

Watt-seconds to Gigajoules Converter

This Unit Converter converts given Energy from watt-seconds to gigajoules.



Go to Gigajoules to Watt-seconds Converter

Step by Step Calculation


Energy = 6 Watt-seconds


We have to find the number of Gigajoules in the given 6 Watt-seconds Energy.


The formula to convert Watt-seconds (Ws) to Gigajoules (GJ) is

Gigajoules = 1e-9 × Watt-seconds


Substituting given Energy of 6 Watt-seconds in the above conversion formula.

Gigajoules = 1e-9 × 6

Gigajoules = 6.000000000000001e-9


6 Watt-seconds is equal to 6.000000000000001e-9 Gigajoules.

Watt-seconds to Gigajoules Table

The following table contains conversions from Watt-seconds to Gigajoules for some of the most used values.

Watt-secondsGigajoulesConversion Calculation
1 Ws1e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 1 Watt-second
2 Ws2e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 2 Watt-seconds
3 Ws3.0000000000000004e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 3 Watt-seconds
4 Ws4e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 4 Watt-seconds
5 Ws5e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 5 Watt-seconds
6 Ws6.000000000000001e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 6 Watt-seconds
7 Ws7.000000000000001e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 7 Watt-seconds
8 Ws8e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 8 Watt-seconds
9 Ws9.000000000000001e-9 GJHow many Gigajoules is 9 Watt-seconds
10 Ws1e-8 GJHow many Gigajoules is 10 Watt-seconds
20 Ws2e-8 GJHow many Gigajoules is 20 Watt-seconds
30 Ws3.0000000000000004e-8 GJHow many Gigajoules is 30 Watt-seconds
40 Ws4e-8 GJHow many Gigajoules is 40 Watt-seconds
50 Ws5.0000000000000004e-8 GJHow many Gigajoules is 50 Watt-seconds
100 Ws1.0000000000000001e-7 GJHow many Gigajoules is 100 Watt-seconds
1000 Ws0.0000010000000000000002 GJHow many Gigajoules is 1000 Watt-seconds

What is Watt-second

Watt-second is a SI unit of Energy.

'Ws' symbol is used to represent the unit of Energy in Watt-second(s) in general usage.

What is Gigajoule

Gigajoule is a SI unit of Energy.

'GJ' symbol is used to represent the unit of Energy in Gigajoule(s) in general usage.

Convert Energy from Ws to Other Units

Convert Energy from Watt-seconds to Other Units