Logarithm Calculator

Logarithm Calculator takes a number (a) and base (b) as inputs, and finds the logarithm of a to the base b.


\(log_b(a)~ =~ ?\)

Sample inputs

a: 100
b: 10

a: 620
b: 8

a: 4
b: 4

Logarithm to base 2

Logarithm to base 3

Logarithm to base 4

Logarithm to base 5

Logarithm to base 6

Logarithm to base 7

Logarithm to base 8

Logarithm to base 9

Logarithm to base 10

How to Find Logarithm

Follow these steps to find the logarithm of a number with a specific base.

  1. Given base (b) and argument (a) to logarithm.
  2. Express a in terms of power of b: a = bresult.
  3. Apply natural logarithm to both sides.
  4. Divide both sides by \(\log_{e}{b}\)
  5. The value left on the right hand side is the logarithm value.

Arithmetic Calculators