Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator takes X and Y as inputs and finds the X percentage of Y. Enter the values for X and Y, and click on Calculate button.


What is % of

What is 2 percent of a value

What is 5 percent of a value

What is 6 percent of a value

What is 10 percent of a value

What is 20 percent of a value

What is 40 percent of a value

What is 50 percent of a value

What is 60 percent of a value

What is 80 percent of a value

What is 100 percent of a value

What is 120 percent of a value

What is 150 percent of a value

What is 200 percent of a value

How to calculate X percent of Y?

The formula to calculate X percent of Y is

\(X\%~ of~ Y~ =~ \frac{X\cdot Y}{100} \)

Substitute the value of X and Y in the above formula, and simply the value on right hand side.

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