Factor Calculator

Factor Calculator takes a number as input, and finds all the factors of the given number.


Sample inputs

n: 10

n: 620

n: 20500

Steps for Factoring a Number

The following is a step-by-step approach to find the factors of a given number.

  • Check Divisibility: Starting from 1, test each integer up to the square root of the given number to see if it divides the number evenly. If it does, then it is a factor. Remember that factors occur in pairs, so if \( a \) is a factor, \( \frac{a}{n} \) is also a factor.
  • Stop at the Square Root: When testing for factors, you only need to test up to the square root of the number. If no factor is found up to the square root, then the number itself and 1 are the only factors.
  • List the Factors: Once you've found all possible factors, list them in ascending order.

Arithmetic Calculators