Logarithm of 6 to base 8

In this class, we will answer: What is the Logarithm of 6 to the base 8. We will then have a step-by-step solution on how to find the value of \(\log_{8}{(6)}.\)


Logarithm of 6 to the base 8 is 0.861654.

\(\log_{8}(6) = 0.861654\)


\(log_b(a)~ =~ ?\)

Sample inputs

a: 100
b: 10

a: 620
b: 8

a: 4
b: 4

Step-by-step Solution to Find Logarithm of 6 to the Base 8


\(a = 6\)

\(b = 8\)


We have to find the value of \(\log_{8}(6)\).

Computing Logarithm...

Step 1

Express a(=6) in terms of power of b(=8).

\(6 = 8^{0.861654}\)

Step 2

Apply natural logarithm to both sides.

\(\log_{e}{6} = \log_{e}{8^{0.861654}}\)

We know that \(\log_{e}{m^n} = n \times \log_{e}{m} \). Apply this formula to \(\log_{e}{8^{0.861654}}\), the value on right side in the above equation.

\(\log_{e}{6} = 0.861654\times \log_{e}{8}\)

Step 3

Divide both sides by \(\log_{e}{8}\).

\(\frac{\log_e{6}}{\log_e{8}} = \frac{0.861654\times \log_e{8}}{\log_e{8}}\)

Cancel common term from numerator and denominator on the right side.

\(\frac{\log_e{6}}{\log_e{8}} = 0.861654\)

We know that \(\frac{\log_e{m}}{\log_e{n}} = \log_n{m} \). Apply this formula to the value on left side in the above equation.

\(\log_{8}{6} = 0.861654\)


\(\log_{8}(6) = 0.861654\)

Logarithms of Nearby Numbers

The following table contains the logarithms of numbers near 6 to base 8, along with links to detailed step-by-step solutions for finding each logarithm.

\(\log_{8}{a} = ?\)Step-by-step Solution
\(\log_{8}{1} = 0\)Log of 1 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{2} = 0.333333\)Log of 2 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{3} = 0.528321\)Log of 3 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{4} = 0.666667\)Log of 4 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{5} = 0.773976\)Log of 5 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{6} = 0.861654\)Log of 6 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{7} = 0.935785\)Log of 7 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{8} = 1\)Log of 8 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{9} = 1.056642\)Log of 9 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{10} = 1.107309\)Log of 10 to base 8
\(\log_{8}{11} = 1.153144\)Log of 11 to base 8

How to Find Logarithm

Follow these steps to find the logarithm of a number with a specific base.

  1. Given base (b) and argument (a) to logarithm.
  2. Express a in terms of power of b: a = bresult.
  3. Apply natural logarithm to both sides.
  4. Divide both sides by \(\log_{e}{b}\)
  5. The value left on the right hand side is the logarithm value.

Arithmetic Calculators