Gallons per hour to Cubic inches per second - Unit Converter

This Unit Converter converts given Volume Flow Rate from gallons per hour to cubic inches per second.

Gallons per hour to Cubic inches per second Converter

This Unit Converter converts given Volume Flow Rate from gallons per hour to cubic inches per second.


Gallons per hour

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Gallons per hour to Cubic inches per second Table

The following table contains conversions from Gallons per hour to Cubic inches per second for some of the most used values.

Gallons per hourCubic inches per secondConversion Calculation
1 gal/h0.06416696243625915 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 1 Gallon per hour
2 gal/h0.1283339248725183 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 2 Gallons per hour
3 gal/h0.19250088730877746 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 3 Gallons per hour
4 gal/h0.2566678497450366 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 4 Gallons per hour
5 gal/h0.3208348121812957 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 5 Gallons per hour
6 gal/h0.3850017746175549 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 6 Gallons per hour
7 gal/h0.44916873705381405 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 7 Gallons per hour
8 gal/h0.5133356994900732 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 8 Gallons per hour
9 gal/h0.5775026619263324 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 9 Gallons per hour
10 gal/h0.6416696243625915 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 10 Gallons per hour
20 gal/h1.283339248725183 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 20 Gallons per hour
30 gal/h1.9250088730877744 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 30 Gallons per hour
40 gal/h2.566678497450366 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 40 Gallons per hour
50 gal/h3.2083481218129575 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 50 Gallons per hour
100 gal/h6.416696243625915 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 100 Gallons per hour
1000 gal/h64.16696243625915 in3/sHow many Cubic inches per second is 1000 Gallons per hour

What is Gallon per hour

Gallon per hour is an imperial unit of Volume Flow Rate.

'gal/h' symbol is used to represent the unit of Volume Flow Rate in Gallon per hour(s) in general usage.

What is Cubic inch per second

Cubic inch per second is an imperial unit of Volume Flow Rate.

'in3/s' symbol is used to represent the unit of Volume Flow Rate in Cubic inch per second(s) in general usage.

Convert Volume Flow Rate from gal/h to Other Units

Convert Volume Flow Rate from Gallons per hour to Other Units