How many Cubic inches per minute is 1000 Litres per hour


1000 Litres per hour is equal to 1017.0670895670537 Cubic inches per minute.

In the following sections, there is a step by step calculation of the Volume Flow Rate unit conversion from given number of litres per hour to cubic inches per minute in detail, with formula and substitution.

Also, the Litres per hour to Cubic inches per minute Converter is loaded with the given input value, in case you would like to use the converter for other values.

Litres per hour to Cubic inches per minute Converter

This Unit Converter converts given Volume Flow Rate from litres per hour to cubic inches per minute.


Litres per hour

Go to Cubic inches per minute to Litres per hour Converter

Step by Step Calculation


Volume Flow Rate = 1000 Litres per hour


We have to find the number of Cubic inches per minute in the given 1000 Litres per hour Volume Flow Rate.


The formula to convert Litres per hour (l/h) to Cubic inches per minute (in3/min) is

Cubic inches per minute = 1.0170670895670537 × Litres per hour


Substituting given Volume Flow Rate of 1000 Litres per hour in the above conversion formula.

Cubic inches per minute = 1.0170670895670537 × 1000

Cubic inches per minute = 1017.0670895670537


1000 Litres per hour is equal to 1017.0670895670537 Cubic inches per minute.

Litres per hour to Cubic inches per minute Table

The following table contains conversions from Litres per hour to Cubic inches per minute for some of the most used values.

Litres per hourCubic inches per minuteConversion Calculation
1 l/h1.0170670895670537 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 1 Litre per hour
2 l/h2.0341341791341074 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 2 Litres per hour
3 l/h3.051201268701161 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 3 Litres per hour
4 l/h4.068268358268215 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 4 Litres per hour
5 l/h5.085335447835268 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 5 Litres per hour
6 l/h6.102402537402322 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 6 Litres per hour
7 l/h7.1194696269693765 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 7 Litres per hour
8 l/h8.13653671653643 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 8 Litres per hour
9 l/h9.153603806103483 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 9 Litres per hour
10 l/h10.170670895670536 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 10 Litres per hour
20 l/h20.341341791341073 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 20 Litres per hour
30 l/h30.512012687011612 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 30 Litres per hour
40 l/h40.682683582682145 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 40 Litres per hour
50 l/h50.853354478352685 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 50 Litres per hour
100 l/h101.70670895670537 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 100 Litres per hour
1000 l/h1017.0670895670537 in3/minHow many Cubic inches per minute is 1000 Litres per hour

What is Litre per hour

Litre per hour is a metric unit of Volume Flow Rate.

'l/h' symbol is used to represent the unit of Volume Flow Rate in Litre per hour(s) in general usage.

What is Cubic inch per minute

Cubic inch per minute is an imperial unit of Volume Flow Rate.

'in3/min' symbol is used to represent the unit of Volume Flow Rate in Cubic inch per minute(s) in general usage.

Convert Volume Flow Rate from l/h to Other Units

Convert Volume Flow Rate from Litres per hour to Other Units