How many Cubic meters per hour is 8 Pints per second


8 Pints per second is equal to 13.62748242314275 Cubic meters per hour.

In the following sections, there is a step by step calculation of the Volume Flow Rate unit conversion from given number of pints per second to cubic meters per hour in detail, with formula and substitution.

Also, the Pints per second to Cubic meters per hour Converter is loaded with the given input value, in case you would like to use the converter for other values.

Pints per second to Cubic meters per hour Converter

This Unit Converter converts given Volume Flow Rate from pints per second to cubic meters per hour.


Pints per second

Go to Cubic meters per hour to Pints per second Converter

Step by Step Calculation


Volume Flow Rate = 8 Pints per second


We have to find the number of Cubic meters per hour in the given 8 Pints per second Volume Flow Rate.


The formula to convert Pints per second (pnt/s) to Cubic meters per hour (m3/h) is

Cubic meters per hour = 1.7034353028928437 × Pints per second


Substituting given Volume Flow Rate of 8 Pints per second in the above conversion formula.

Cubic meters per hour = 1.7034353028928437 × 8

Cubic meters per hour = 13.62748242314275


8 Pints per second is equal to 13.62748242314275 Cubic meters per hour.

Pints per second to Cubic meters per hour Table

The following table contains conversions from Pints per second to Cubic meters per hour for some of the most used values.

Pints per secondCubic meters per hourConversion Calculation
1 pnt/s1.7034353028928437 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 1 Pint per second
2 pnt/s3.4068706057856875 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 2 Pints per second
3 pnt/s5.110305908678531 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 3 Pints per second
4 pnt/s6.813741211571375 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 4 Pints per second
5 pnt/s8.517176514464218 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 5 Pints per second
6 pnt/s10.220611817357062 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 6 Pints per second
7 pnt/s11.924047120249906 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 7 Pints per second
8 pnt/s13.62748242314275 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 8 Pints per second
9 pnt/s15.330917726035594 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 9 Pints per second
10 pnt/s17.034353028928436 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 10 Pints per second
20 pnt/s34.06870605785687 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 20 Pints per second
30 pnt/s51.103059086785315 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 30 Pints per second
40 pnt/s68.13741211571374 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 40 Pints per second
50 pnt/s85.17176514464218 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 50 Pints per second
100 pnt/s170.34353028928436 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 100 Pints per second
1000 pnt/s1703.4353028928438 m3/hHow many Cubic meters per hour is 1000 Pints per second

What is Pint per second

Pint per second is an imperial unit of Volume Flow Rate.

'pnt/s' symbol is used to represent the unit of Volume Flow Rate in Pint per second(s) in general usage.

What is Cubic meter per hour

Cubic meter per hour is a metric unit of Volume Flow Rate.

'm3/h' symbol is used to represent the unit of Volume Flow Rate in Cubic meter per hour(s) in general usage.

Convert Volume Flow Rate from pnt/s to Other Units

Convert Volume Flow Rate from Pints per second to Other Units