Decimal 0.3 as Fraction

In this class, we will compute the fraction equivalent to the given decimal value 0.3.

Then there is Decimal to Fraction Converter in case if you would like to find the fraction of a different decimal value. Then we have the answer section, and detailed step by step solution for converting the given decimal to fraction.

Inputs: Decimal to Fraction Calculator

Answer (as fraction)


Step by Step Solution


Given decimal value is: 0.3

We have to find the fraction of this decimal value.

Converting decimal to fraction...

The given decimal value has 1 decimal places.

Since there are 1 decimal places, multiply and divide the given number by \(10^{1} = 10\).

Therefore, fraction of the given decimal point value is:

Fraction \( = 0.3× \frac{10}{10}\)

Fraction \( = \frac{3}{10}\)

Therefore, the fraction for given decimal is given by

\(0.3 = \frac{3}{10} \)

Decimal to Fractions from 0.01 to 0.99

Fraction Calculators