Percentage Difference between 100 and 20

In this class, we will answer the question: What is the percentage difference between 100 and 20. Then, there is a step by step detailed calculation of finding the percentage difference between 100 and 20 using the percentage difference formula.


Percentage Difference between 100 and 20 is 133.33%.

\( 133.33 \)%


% difference between X and Y

Step by Step Solution to Find Percentage Difference between 100 and 20

The formula to calculate the percentage difference between X and Y is

\( \left | \frac{X - Y}{ \left( \frac{X+Y}{2} \right) } \right| \times 100 \)


\(X = 100\)

\(Y = 20\)


Substituting \(X = 100\) and \(Y = 20\) in the percentage difference formula...

Percentage difference between \(X = 100\) and \(Y = 20\) is

\( = \left | \frac{X - Y}{ \left( \frac{X+Y}{2} \right) } \right| \times 100 \)

\( = \left | \frac{100 - 20}{ \left( \frac{100+20}{2} \right) } \right| \times 100 \)

\( = \left | \frac{80}{ \left( \frac{120}{2} \right) } \right| \times 100 \)

\( = \left | \frac{80}{60} \right| \times 100 \)

\( = \left | 1.3333 \right| \times 100 \)

\( = 1.3333 \times 100 \)

\( = 133.33 \)


Therefore, percentage difference between 100 and 20 is

\( 133.33 \)%

How to calculate Percentage Difference between X and Y?

The formula to calculate the percentage difference between X and Y is

\( \left | \frac{X - Y}{ \left( \frac{X+Y}{2} \right) } \right| \times 100 \)

The formula can be read as the absolute of the ratio of the difference of X and Y to the average of X and Y, multiplied by 100.

Substitute the given values of X and Y in the above formula, and simply the value to get the percentage difference between given two values: X and Y.

Arithmetic Calculators