Increase 2 by 150%

In this class, we will answer the question: What is value of 2 increased by 150%. Then, there is a step by step detailed calculation of increasing 2 by 150 percent using the percentage increase formula.


Increase of 2 by 150% is 5.

Increasing \( 2 \) by \(150\)% \(= 5 \)


Increase by %

Step by Step Solution to Increase 2 by 150%

The formula to increase the value of X by Y percent is

\( X \cdot ( 1 + \frac{Y}{100}) \)


\(X = 2\)

\(Y = 150\)


Substituting \(X = 2\) and \(Y = 150\) in the percentage increase formula...

Increasing X=2 by Y=150%

\( = X \cdot ( 1 + \frac{Y}{100}) \)

\( = 2 \times ( 1 + \frac{150}{100}) \)

\( = 2 \times ( 1 + 1.5) \)

\( = 2 \times 2.5 \)

\( = 5 \)



Increasing \( 2 \) by \(150\)% \(= 5 \)

How to Increase X by Y Percent?

The formula to increase the value of X by Y percent is

\( X\cdot (1 + \frac{Y}{100}) \)

Substitute given values of X and Y in the above formula, and simply the value to get the result of increasing X by Y percent.

Arithmetic Calculators